Image of pilgrims in Kumbo Diocese used for the official artwork of the EP Together by Nsay ki la

On 6 December 2022, we released a 6-track music project titled TOGETHER. This was a build-up to the peak celebration of the Ruby Jubilee of the Catholic Diocese of Kumbo on 8 December 2022.

The artwork of our EP shows exactly what the Diocese celebrated. It easily ties in with the title of the EP, as well as the theme of the celebration. The image is a shot taken on 9 March 2018 of diocesan pilgrims going to Boyong Hill.

The Artwork and the Theme

Like any other jubilee, the 40th anniversary of the Diocese of Kumbo is a time to look back in gratitude. This is what stood out at the beginning of the Ruby Jubilee Prayer which was being said within the Diocese, and by children of the Diocese living outside.

The theme of the celebration was “Together on Mission: ‘Go out to the whole world, proclaiming the gospel to all creation’ (Mk 16:15)”. This theme speaks about the unity of purpose. After 40 years of existence, the celebration called on all the sons and daughters of the Church that is in Kumbo to expand God’s Kingdom. They are to do this together.

The artwork of the EP “Together” by Nsay ki la, on its own, relates closely to the theme. It shows people moving together, in one direction. They have a mission. In the image, the mission was an annual diocesan pilgrimage of Kumbo Diocese to Boyong Hill. Correlating it to the ruby jubilee, the mission is to go out to the world and proclaim the gospel.

This demands a unified effort, a common purpose, and collaboration between the agents of evangelization at the various levels of the pastoral organigram. In brief: together on mission!

The Artwork and the Music

The EP “Together” takes its name from the first word of the theme of the ruby jubilee celebration of the Diocese of Kumbo. “Together on Mission: ‘Go out to the whole world, proclaiming the gospel to all creation’ (Mk 16:15)” read the theme.

What better way to capture the message of the EP than to use a picture that tells a story? The image of pilgrims moving on together, therefore, stands out. When one sees the image, and sees the title “Together”, it sparks that curiosity of what the movement in the image is about. It is a purposeful move.

And indeed, the music itself completes the story. It is talking about an event and a future. The context is the ruby jubilee celebration of Kumbo. The song “Together” (track 5) is a reflection on the theme. Track 3 is the Jubilee Prayer put into song. Tracks 1 and 4 are songs of celebration, calling everyone to dance into the forties, and to continue in the mission of growing God’s kingdom, together! Track 6 is a popular song from an unknown composer, talking about the splendour of this God whose message everyone is expected to carry to all corners of the earth.


Pope Saint John Paul II created the Diocese of Kumbo on Thursday, 18 March 1982, with territory taken from the then Diocese (now Archdiocese) of Bamenda. It is a diocese of the Roman rite of the Catholic Church. Kumbo is a sufragan diocese of the Metropolitan See of Bamenda along with the Catholic Dioceses of Buea, Mamfe and Kumba.

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is honoured as the Patron of the Diocese of Kumbo. The feast day is 8 December, which is the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. It is a holyday of obligation in the Diocese. It is on this day that the peak celebration of the ruby jubilee took place.

Conclusive Note

The image for the artwork of the EP “Together” represents the theme, and expresses what lies in the music. It is music that you would enjoy, and want to return to time and again. The songs are pleasant and sweet.

You can download the audios or listen to the music on major music streaming platforms by clicking HERE.

The Diocese of Kumbo has held a year-long celebration of her Ruby Jubilee spanning 2021 to 2022. This has culminated in the peak celebration in December of 2022. Mark 16:15 provided the theme of the celebration: Together on Mission: “Go out to the whole world, proclaiming the Gospel to all Creation”.

Time of Thanksgiving

Like any other jubilee, the 40th anniversary of the Diocese of Kumbo is a time to look back in gratitude. This is what stood out at the beginning of the Ruby Jubilee Prayer which was being said within the Diocese, and by children of the Diocese living outside.

The prayer didn’t enumerate many things that ought to have been motives of gratitude – for that would make it an extremely long prayer! But a moment’s pause suffices to realize that there is plenty to thank God for.

The Diocese, which was created by Pope St John Paul II on Thursday, 18 March 1982, has grown in many respects. The Parishes have increased in number. The number of baptisms and other sacraments per annum is growing steadily. Vocations have abounded, and Kumbo Diocese feeds many others with vocations to the Priesthood and the Consecrated Life. The faithful have been convinced and committed to spreading the faith. Diocesan institutions are growing stronger. And in spite of the impact of the crisis since 2016, all parishes have remained functioning. There has been so much to thank God for.

The Gloom of an Avoidable War

Nevertheless, Kumbo Diocese has been celebrating her Ruby Jubilee in very difficult circumstances. There escalated in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon at the close of 2016 what has come to be known as the Anglophone Crisis. It had become an armed conflict at the time of the jubilee year. This war has changed life for many people for a long while, perhaps, for many generations.

Many communities and families have broken down. Countless people live in anguish after losing loved ones, their sources of livelihood, or their homes. Thousands have fled to other regions or to neighbouring Nigeria to save their lives. Pastoral work has become arduous, and the Church has been caught in between two unkind ‘masters’: the separatist fighters on the one hand, and the state forces of law and order on the other. Pastoral agents have been abducted here and there. This is the atmosphere in which the celebration of the Jubilee has taken place.

But it is in this same atmosphere that the theme of the jubilee takes a deeper meaning. The faithful are called to unity, and to still go out as instruments of God’s message. The message of love and peace, reconciliation and harmony must still be preached and witnessed to, even in these circumstances, and especially in these circumstances. All ought to have the hope that peace is still possible, and that a genuine dialogue that tackles the root causes of the situation is what it takes to resolve the Crisis. Therefore, even in war, “go out to the whole world, proclaiming the Gospel…”.

A Gaze of Hope

The future looks bright, in spite of the prevailing circumstances. Even at great cost, the unrest will not last forever. Things will change. It may take a while, but the characteristic vibrance of the Diocese will return someday.

The Pastoral Zones will become Parishes. Communities will regain their life. The faith will be celebrated without fear. Perhaps, what has been whispered and speculated upon for some years could become a reality, when another Diocese is carved out of Kumbo. For, the Church is always growing; she is always young, but she is also a mother, and is always birthing.

Music for a Jubilee

The musical project ‘TOGETHER ’ is intended to animate and enliven the ruby jubilee celebration in Kumbo Diocese. It is a 6-track body of work. Two of the songs were released during the celebrative year, namely, “Jubilee Prayer”  and “Together”.

As a collection, the work reflects on the theme of the jubilee, provides a celebrative melody, puts the jubilee prayer into song, brings in a psalm of thanksgiving, and includes a popular song from an unknown composer. You can find the entire project HERE

May it be a landmark project that will never be forgotten; for we shall always hear the tunes, and remember the year we celebrated forty!

“I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side. Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God!” (Ps 3:7-8). When we read the Scriptures, we come across such phrases as this one from the Psalm.

The Psalms, indeed, have many of such. This is because although there is much goodness, kindness, compassion, love etcin the world, there is likewise much evil and wickedness. While striving to be good, we must beware of the wickedness around us, and look to the Lord.

“Kileeme” is a reality

The song “Kileeme” is basically a reflection on this reality. We cannot change it, but we can live with it. Jesus himself said the wheat and the weed will grow together (Matt. 13:24-30).

We have seen what people can do to others. Perhaps, anyone reading this might have a personal experience they have suffered, due to the wickedness of others. Some of these stories are gruesome and painful, even when we have not been victims.

Man is a wolf to man. This rough translation of the Latin proverb “homus homini lupus” goes as far back as the 5th-century playwright Plautus.  It is, therefore, a subject of which many treated throughout history. Nevertheless, beyond just adding to history’s contribution, “Kileeme” as a local relevance.

The Proverbial Locust

The Nso’ people have a proverb that says: “Yii kfə́r ŋguùmé sí vitú vév”. Its literal meaning is that only locusts feed on themselves. A proverb like this is used in a situation where a human being is destroying another. And there are many ways in which this happens.

This proverb in Lamnso’ corresponds to the Latin proverb earlier mentioned. People are mean to others. The world is more and more seeming to be starved of love, care, mutual support, affection. And sometimes those who try to live out these values come across as the odd ones. Undeniably, the oddity ought to be at the other end.

The Caution

“Kileeme” asks us to be cautious. We cannot be too careful, be we ought to be careful and smart. Paraphrasing the beginning of the song gives us something like this: watch where you are standing, where you are going, look before you leap, and take care too that those around you are safe.

Even devoted followers of Christ must remember what he said when sending them out the 72 on a mission: “Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves” (Lk 10:3). These went sent out “two by two” (Lk 10:1). This is a curious thing to note, that Jesus sent them out in pairs.

Hence, it is not only about each person watching out for themselves. We ought to take care too for the other. Maya Angelou, an American memoirist, popular poet, and civil rights activist, said that as you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.

Look to God

Only God can fully protect us and take care of us. This was the basic attitude of those who suffered in their relationship with God, including in the Scriptures. Without a doubt, it has been the attitude even of the martyrs, the faithful friends of God, who have stayed close to this friendship at the cost of their lives.

We do all sorts of insurance, and put various ways of security around us; some more, others less. Yet, “Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain” (Ps 127:1b). We ought to remember God as “Kileeme” says, and then be unafraid. For, it is not a spirit of fear that we received, but that of power, as the holy apostle Paul instructs. (Cfr. 2Tim. 1:7).

One simple aid is to constantly invoke the angels, especially our guardian angel. The short prayer to the guardian angel which we learned as children, might often look too basic or simple. Even so, it is such a powerful invocation of the protective presence of God around us. It is part of the mission of God’s angels.

May God continue to watch over us, take care of us, and protect us from all physical and spiritual dangers that we face. May he be gracious to us, show us his face, and grant us peace.

When we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth, we surely think about our own families. We are likely to think first of our biological families. That’s nearly obvious.

But we might also think of other families too. We might think, for example, of our family at the work place; our classroom family; our team squad family; our religious order/community family; our ‘njangi’ group family; our action/prayer group family. In fact, we can think of many types of associations in which we belong in terms of family.

Therefore, thinking about the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, is thinking about ourselves in more ways than one. It is a way to look at them as an ideal family, and to seek out ways of emulating this family, and patterning ours after it.

Our Families

However, when we think about our own various families, we immediately become conscious of their short-comings and imperfections. We instantly realise how far they are from the ideal. Sometimes we have to bear the frustrations of never being able to meet up with what we hope our family could be.

Often, we feel or think that the other family members are responsible for the bad state of affairs. We might be prone to think that the family, whatever family it is, would be better, if this or that family member were a little better or different. That may be true; but we can also have another consideration.

Some Aids

Many aids have been offered to help make family life better and improve our families. This is just a little thought which, we hope, might add to the other aids. We hope it can be helpful. This is, namely, a reflection by each family member on their own individual weaknesses.

One form of blindness is to lack consciousness of our own personal weaknesses. It can be a great help for each family member to reflect on their own personal weakness. This is because when we become aware of how and where we are weak, or in fact, just that we are weak at all, we might realise the need to be more tolerant on other family members. This is not to say we ought to condone with situations, but rather, that we be conscious that like us, others make mistakes as well.

Few years ago Pope Francis reminded us that there is no perfect family. Yes, of course; there is none. All families are made up of human beings. And human beings have weaknesses. The imperfection of a family would not exactly be a mathematical sum of the imperfections of the individual members. But definitely the weakness(es) of each member count(s)for something in the imperfect nature of a family.

It can really help

If we are conscious that like others, we too fall short in one aspect or another, if we are conscious of our own weaknesses, we are likely to be more understanding when others fall short. Then as a family, we can journey towards perfection of the family, and of the individual members, by trying to overcome those weaknesses and encouraging other family members to do same.

Let us, therefore, reflect on our own weaknesses in view of being tolerant, as an aid to improving on our various types of families. It can also help us to be more forgiving.

This was first published on Facebook on 30 December 2016

(Category: Reflections)

This is word for the young, especially the working, young adults. We are talented in many ways. We are energetic, adventurous, industrious, creative, zealous, committed, and every other good quality. Youth is wealth!

We seek to make meaning out of our lives. Many of us have already taken a direction in life, of a vocation, or for some, a profession. However, we can see some of whom we have the impression that they are wasting away and looking for short cuts to everything in life; wanting to earn without labour. This is sad. But such a regrettable situation is often covered by the many young people who are resourceful and productive. We see many of them showcasing what they are doing on social media. Congratulations to them.


Let us pause and do a little check, each one for himself or herself: what meaning do we make out of life? What impact do we make around us? What legacy are we ready to leave for later generations? What shall we be remembered for?

There are many of us, young people, whose relevance might only be seen post mortem. But that is no big deal: such have made their own contribution towards the emancipation of the human race, and the glory of God (for those who believe in Him).

While you Can

We have our lives now to live. But as young people, and as young adults especially, we have one word that often drags us behind: tomorrow! We often hope for a better tomorrow. And this makes us forget that we have today to live and enjoy. It appears that some of us even have difficulties setting reasonable life goals. (Such need a guidance counsellor to help them make meaningful decisions for themselves).

There is no point letting time pass us by, while we do not see anything meaningful in our lives, and keep hoping for a better tomorrow. Someone said our lives are like a movie being recorded: can we be glad to watch it some day?

The Future!

We are not growing any younger. Our youthfulness shall soon slip away. There will come a time, when goodwill and brilliance of ideas shall not suffice, as we would have lost the energy of our youth. We might look behind at our past, and all we would think is: I would have done this and that…! But it will be too late. We shall be unhappy as old adults and aged people, if we feel underachieved at that time. There is nothing we would do then, apart from trying to accommodate lost opportunities.

In addition to this, if we spend our youthfulness unproductively, we might find ourselves overly critical in old age, having issues with young productive people (especially if we were never really nice to them), projecting our failures on others, being disgruntled about nearly everything… We can pre-empt an unhappy old age, and we can work for a happy one now.

The secret is, let us do what we can, while we can. Let us spend the energy, use the talents, dare, make mistakes, correct them, grow, learn from role models without trying to become them. Let us be young people!

This was first published on Facebook on 05 May 2017

Category: Reflections

The Deficiency and the Danger

Some of us probably had a sense of direction of what we wanted to be in life early enough. Maybe some had such an orientation as early as elementary school; and some, arguably though, before then. Again, others may have been given some form of guidance about possible options to consider for their future, based on their aptitude, inclinations or taste of their parents/guardians/mentors.

Nevertheless, in the case of many kids in some portions of the world, like Cameroon for an example, it seems that they grow up and go to school simply because kids normally go to school if their parents/guardians can afford. It seems like an ordinary thing that kids would normally do at a given age. But is that all? Just going to school? It does not look right at all.

What Motives

Why go to school? Why go to this particular school and not the other? Why choose to offer these subjects instead of the others? Is it harmful for students to avoid particular subjects because they are ‘science-inclined’ or ‘arts-inclined’? Why get into this field and not the other one?

A few years ago, we were shocked to meet teenagers in High School who did not know what they wanted to be/do in future. And in the case of such, they would probably wait for their end of course examination, the Advanced Level Certificate Examination, and choose what to do subsequently in university, based on their performance.

Yours truly barely missed a punch sometime ago for saying that a good number of those employed in certain sectors such as education and health might never have really intended to work there, but went as a second option or last resort in some cases. Those are only two possible examples, subject to more research.

Serious Deficiency

The insufficiency – and this word is used only for the purpose of not saying ‘lack’ – of guidance-counselling and career orientation is a great problem. It looks to be the reason why many children are in general education programmes, and why many can’t create jobs and grab certain jobs after university; they simply went to school.

One would expect, for instance, that based on the academic inclination and aptitude of the students, they would be advised, together with their parents/guardians, on what would be more suited for the children. And furthermore, future possibilities would be made known to the students, and they would choose their subject combinations for High School based on their aptitude and career orientation. It is sad that many students get to High School without knowing this.

Of course, there are professional guidance counsellors in many Secondary and High Schools, especially public schools. Let them not take this too personal: it is a thought and a food for thought. It seems that not much is actually happening around with respect to guidance counselling. And if things are not turned around, if this were to be true, then things look to get worse, as the paucity would keep being recycled.

Forgive us if we are wrong, and kindly counter this in the comment section of this post – of course without attacking anyone.

This was first published on Facebook on 22 May 2018

Category: Reflection, Opinion Piece